


A message to BAHAMIAN nurses from a nurse!
Friday June 12, 2009

As a Registered Nurse, I just couldn’t keep quiet any longer on this issue of health insurance for nurses.  It is crystal clear to me that Cleona Hamilton has a political agenda, and the other nurses are following behind her like lambs to the slaughter!

What world are you living in? Do you know that last month alone, more than 300,000 people lost jobs in America? That is the entire population of The Bahamas! Have you not seen the drop in tourism and the loss of jobs right here in The Bahamas? 
Anyone with a brain, can see the economic situation that the entire world is in! What a time to make a demand for something that may be extremely important to everyone, but least of all to NURSES?

What nurse can stand up and tell me that you are in dire straits for medical insurance? We are in a better position than most!  If you walked into PMH now, I can guarantee you that you will get preferential treatment because you've known and worked with the staff for many years.

As a registered nurse, you have physician acquaintances who would be more than happy to see and treat you AND your family for little or no charge.  Dr. Minnis himself treated me and other nurses throughout the course of our pregnancies and never charged us a single dime!!   I have never stood in a line or waited hours to see a doctor, and very few if any nurses do. 
Dr. Minnis has taken money out of his pocket time and time again to fund educational seminars for us nurses, along with Christmas parties and other events that were related to nurses.  In fact he has offered us the assurance that beds have been put aside and that we will receive quality private care if and when needed, until the government can afford to provide health insurance. He has always been there for nurses, and I challenge any nurse at PMH to prove otherwise.

Cleola Hamilton and the nurses who blindly follow her, should be ashamed of themselves, at a time when thousands of people are without jobs, and relying on the government to provide the medical care that they can no longer afford!  

Where is your compassion!? 

Can you not see beyond your own selfish needs?

Would you rather men go without jobs to repair roads while you get your salary, your raise  your medical insurance and your nomination to run for the PLP in the next election?

 You have no clue what suffering is! Try being without an income!

We should be thanking God for our jobs and serving the needs of the people who are committed to our care!

The people who stand behind you and insist that the government fork up the $10,000,000 NOW, are the same people who would complain about the lack of something else, because the money was used for that purpose.

I heard one man on the radio this morning say that if the government can spend over $100,000,000 on roads, they can take $10,000,000 to give us medical insurance. He would probably be the same man bitching and moaning and cussing Neko Grant if his car fell in a ditch tomorrow!! 

I say to the Honorable Prime Minister and Dr. Hubert Minnis, you are doing a great job!! Keep up the good work!!

To the teachers, I say thank you for having and using your brains!!

I say to my colleagues, the nurses,  STOP the politics and the consultations with the opposition and practice your  profession faithfully. Abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous, maintain and elevate the standard of your profession, and devote yourself to the welfare of those committed to your care!